A Practical Approach for Creating Brand-Building Customer Experiences

Envision a company where operations and marketing work as one. Together they determine the brand value proposition and the specific brand benefits that support it. They select a value proposition and benefits that  motivate, are distinct from the competition, and can be delivered through customer experience. Marketing works to convey the “brand promise” to target customers and prospects, and operations ensures that promise is delivered. This synergy is rare but extremely powerful—strengthening customer relationships and driving acquisition through positive word-of-mouth.  

In this session, learn how M3 Insurance is achieving this synergy:

  • Identifying the touch-points that deliver value and those that were undermining the brand
  • Determining exactly what must occur at each touch-point to ensure that customers experience the brand’s true value
  • Prioritizing the touch-points most in need of improvement


Amy Modini, Chadwick Martin Bailey, Account Director

Traci Mandell, M3 Insurance, Marketing & Event Manager